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Ser Present Progressive Tense

Dive into the dynamics of ser in the Present Progressive Tense with our interactive verb chart, fun exercises, and real-world examples. Understand its crucial role in describing identity and characteristics. Visit our Spanish verbs page for more. Perfect your ‘ser’ skills on our ser conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to be (permanent)

Verb Chart: Ser Present Progressive Tense


estoy siendo

I am being (right now)


estamos siendo

we are being (right now)

(Juana, Juan)

estás siendo

you are being (right now)


(informal Spain)

estáis siendo

you all are being (right now)


(Sra./Dr. García)

está siendo

he/she/you are being (right now)


están siendo

they/you all are being (right now)

Ser Present Progressive Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Progressive Tense

Ser Present Progressive Sentence Examples

1. Yo estoy siendo muy cuidadoso con mi estudio para los exámenes.
I am being very careful with my study for the exams.
2. ¿Tú estás siendo considerado con tus compañeros de clase?
Are you being considerate with your classmates?
3. Él está siendo responsable en su nuevo trabajo.
He is being responsible in his new job.
4. Ella está siendo creativa en su proyecto de arte.
She is being creative in her art project.
5. Usted está siendo muy útil en la organización del evento.
You are being very helpful in organizing the event.
6. Nosotros estamos siendo pacientes mientras esperamos los resultados.
We are being patient while waiting for the results.
7. Vosotros estáis siendo entusiastas en las prácticas de fútbol (vosotros is used only in Spain).
You all are being enthusiastic in soccer practices.
8. Ellos están siendo innovadores en su enfoque de los negocios.
They are being innovative in their approach to business.
9. ¿Ellas están siendo solidarias con la causa social?
Are they being supportive of the social cause?
10. Ustedes están siendo muy activos en las discusiones de clase.
You all are being very active in class discussions.