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Volver Subjunctive Tense

Master the expressions of returning or coming back with volver in the Subjunctive Tense, through engaging content and actionable insights. Return to proficiency at our volver conjugation page and come back to more learning with our Spanish conjugation resources.

Verb Meaning(s): to return, to come back

Verb Chart: Volver Subjunctive Tense



(So that) I return



(So that) we return

(Juana, Juan)


(So that) you return


(informal Spain)


(So that) you all return


(Sra./Dr. García)


(So that) he/she/you return



(So that) they/you all return

Volver Subjunctive Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Conjugation Practice

Subjunctive Tense

Volver Subjunctive Sentence Examples

1. Es importante que yo vuelva a estudiar para mejorar mis conocimientos.
It’s important that I go back to studying to improve my knowledge.
2. Quiero que tú vuelvas temprano a casa esta noche.
I want you to come back home early tonight.
3. Es necesario que él vuelva al trabajo después de su licencia médica.
It’s necessary that he returns to work after his medical leave.
4. Espero que ella vuelva a participar en el equipo de baloncesto.
I hope that she comes back to participate in the basketball team.
5. Deseo que usted vuelva a considerar nuestra propuesta de negocios.
I wish that you reconsider our business proposal.
6. Es bueno que nosotros volvamos a conectarnos con la naturaleza.
It’s good that we reconnect with nature.
7. Os recomiendo que volváis a leer el libro; encontraréis detalles que antes no notasteis. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
I recommend that you reread the book; you will find details that you did not notice before.
8. Quiero que ellos vuelvan a ser amigos después de la pelea.
I want them to become friends again after the fight.
9. Es vital que ellas vuelvan a revisar el documento antes de enviarlo.
It’s vital that they review the document again before sending it.
10. Recomiendo que ustedes vuelvan a evaluar la situación con nueva información.
I recommend that you reassess the situation with new information.