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Volver Commands

Learn to command with volver Commands in the imperative mood for “to return”. Explore our interactive resources for a comprehensive learning experience. Kickstart your mastery at Spanish verbs. Perfect your skills with volver conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to return

Verb Chart: Volver Commands




let’s return


(Juana, Juan)

vuelve; no vuelvas

return; don’t return


(informal Spain)

volved; no volváis

(you all) return; (you all) don’t return


(Sra./Dr. García)


(you) return



(you all) return

*Only Tú, and Vosotros change in the negative form. The other conjugations are the same in the negative.

Volver Commands Practice

Multiple Choice

Positive Commands

Negative Commands

Spanish Commands

Volver Commands Sentence Examples

1. Tú: Vuelve a intentarlo cada vez que fracases; el éxito viene con la perseverancia.
Try (return to try) again every time you fail; success comes with perseverance.
2. Tú: No vuelvas a caer en los mismos errores; aprende de ellos.
Do not fall back (return) into the same mistakes; learn from them.
3. Ud.: Vuelva a su comunidad para compartir sus experiencias y conocimientos.
Return to your community to share your experiences and knowledge.
4. Ud.: No vuelva tarde a casa sin avisar; la preocupación es grande.
Do not come back home late without letting know; the worry is great.
5. Nosotros: Volvamos a los fundamentos cuando nos sintamos perdidos; a menudo tienen las respuestas.
Let’s return to the basics when we feel lost; they often have the answers.
6. Nosotros: No volvamos a postergar nuestros sueños; el tiempo es ahora.
Let’s not (return to) put off our dreams again; the time is now.
7. Vosotros: Volved al lugar donde fuisteis felices; puede ser terapéutico.
Return to the place where you were happy; it can be therapeutic.
8. Vosotros: No volváis sobre vuestros pasos sin antes considerar nuevas direcciones.
Do not retrace (go back over) your steps without first considering new directions.
9. Uds.: Vuelvan a conectarse con viejos amigos; las relaciones profundas añaden significado a la vida.
Reconnect (return to connect) with old friends; deep relationships add meaning to life.
10. Uds.: No vuelvan a aceptar menos de lo que merecen; valoren su valía.
Do not settle for (return to accept) less than you deserve again; value your worth.