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Traer Commands

Master the art of giving traer Commands in the imperative mood for “to bring”. Dive into our interactive resources for a thorough understanding of its usage. Start with Spanish verbs. Enhance your understanding with traer conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to bring

Verb Chart: Traer Commands




let’s bring


(Juana, Juan)

trae; no traigas

bring; don’t bring


(informal Spain)

traed; no traigáis

(you all) bring; (you all) don’t bring


(Sra./Dr. García)


(you) bring



(you all) bring

*Only Tú, and Vosotros change in the negative form. The other conjugations are the same in the negative.

Traer Commands Practice

Multiple Choice

Positive Commands

Negative Commands

Spanish Commands

Traer Commands Sentence Examples

1. Tú: Trae tu propio equipo si vas a participar en el torneo.
Bring your own gear if you are going to participate in the tournament.
2. Tú: No traigas objetos de valor a la escuela; podrían perderse o ser robados.
Do not bring valuables to school; they could get lost or stolen.
3. Ud.: Traiga todas sus preguntas a la consulta médica para aprovechar el tiempo al máximo.
Bring all your questions to the medical appointment to make the most of the time.
4. Ud.: No traiga alimentos al laboratorio; es una cuestión de seguridad.
Do not bring food into the laboratory; it’s a matter of safety.
5. Nosotros: Traigamos ideas nuevas a la próxima reunión de brainstorming.
Let’s bring new ideas to the next brainstorming meeting.
6. Nosotros: No traigamos prejuicios a nuestras discusiones; mantengamos la mente abierta.
Let’s not bring prejudices into our discussions; let’s keep an open mind.
7. Vosotros: Traed vuestros proyectos terminados para la exposición de fin de curso.
Bring your finished projects for the end-of-course exhibition.
8. Vosotros: No traigáis mascotas a la oficina sin permiso previo.
Do not bring pets to the office without prior permission.
9. Uds.: Traigan sus documentos importantes cuando vengan a firmar el contrato.
Bring your important documents when you come to sign the contract.
10. Uds.: No traigan actitudes negativas al equipo; busquemos construir un ambiente positivo.
Do not bring negative attitudes to the team; let’s aim to build a positive environment.