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Trabajar Conditional Tense

Unlock the potential of trabajar in the Conditional Tense with our specialized learning resources. Our site includes a comprehensive verb chart, engaging conjugation activities, and interactive games to help you confidently use trabajar in daily Spanish. Dive deeper into verb conjugation with our Spanish conjugation guide. Refine your trabajar understanding with our trabajar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to work

Verb Chart: Trabajar Conditional Tense



I would work



we would work

(Juana, Juan)


you would work


(informal Spain)


you all would work


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you would work



they/you all would work

Trabajar Conditional Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Conditional Tense

Trabajar Conditional Sentence Examples

1. Yo trabajaría en una ONG si pudiera hacer una diferencia en el mundo.
I would work for an NGO if I could make a difference in the world.
2. ¿Tú trabajarías en el extranjero para ganar más experiencia?
Would you work abroad to gain more experience?
3. Él trabajaría en su proyecto de sueños si tuviera los recursos.
He would work on his dream project if he had the resources.
4. Ella trabajaría como voluntaria en refugios de animales si tuviera más tiempo.
She would work as a volunteer in animal shelters if she had more time.
5. Usted trabajaría en la enseñanza si amara compartir su conocimiento, ¿verdad?
You would work in education if you loved sharing your knowledge, right?
6. Nosotros trabajaríamos en proyectos medioambientales si pudiéramos contribuir a la sostenibilidad.
We would work on environmental projects if we could contribute to sustainability.
7. ¿Vosotros trabajaríais juntos en una startup tecnológica? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Would you guys work together on a tech startup?
8. Ellos trabajarían en investigación y desarrollo si fueran científicos.
They would work in research and development if they were scientists.
9. Ellas trabajarían en la industria de la moda si tuvieran la oportunidad.
They would work in the fashion industry if they had the opportunity.
10. ¿Ustedes trabajarían en el campo de la inteligencia artificial si tuvieran la formación necesaria?
Would you work in the field of artificial intelligence if you had the necessary training?