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Sugerir Preterite Tense

Explore the art of suggesting in Spanish with the Preterite Tense of sugerir. Our page offers a detailed conjugation chart, engaging verb games, and practical sentences featuring sugerir. Master expressing suggestions or indirect proposals in various situations. Dive deeper into Spanish verbs with Spanish conjugation. Refine your sugerir conjugation at our sugerir conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to suggest

Verb Chart: Sugerir Preterite Tense



I suggested



we suggested

(Juana, Juan)


you suggested


(informal Spain)


you all suggested


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you suggested



they/you all suggested

Sugerir Preterite Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Conjugation Practice

Preterite Tense

Sugerir Preterite Sentence Examples

1. Ayer sugerí un nuevo lugar para almorzar.
Yesterday, I suggested a new place for lunch.
2. ¿Sugeriste alguna idea para el proyecto de ciencias?
Did you suggest any ideas for the science project?
3. Él sugirió un cambio en el plan original.
He suggested a change in the original plan.
4. Ella sugirió leer un libro en particular a la clase.
She suggested reading a particular book to the class.
5. ¿Sugirió Ud. una fecha para la próxima reunión?
Did you suggest a date for the next meeting?
6. Nosotros sugerimos hacer una pausa en la mitad de la sesión.
We suggested taking a break in the middle of the session.
7. ¿Sugirieron ellos alguna solución al problema?
Did they suggest any solution to the problem?
8. Las chicas sugirieron organizar una venta de pasteles.
The girls suggested organizing a bake sale.
9. ¿Sugirieron Uds. un tema para el debate?
Did you all suggest a topic for the debate?
10. Vosotros sugeristeis visitar un museo de arte moderno.
You all (Spain) suggested visiting a modern art museum.