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Sonar Present Tense

Immerse yourself in the Present Tense of ‘sonar’! Our page offers an extensive verb chart, tailored conjugation practice, entertaining verb games, and practical sentences illustrating ‘sonar’ in everyday contexts. Understand how ‘sonar’ enhances communication in Spanish. Get involved in Spanish verbs and polish your ‘sonar’ skills on our sonar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to sound, to ring

Verb Chart: Sonar Present Tense



I sound
I do sound
I am sounding



we sound
we do sound
we are sounding

(Juana, Juan)


you sound
you do sound
you are sounding


(informal Spain)


you all sound
you all do sound
you all are sounding


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you sound
he/she/you do sound
he/she/you are sounding



they/you all sound
they/ you all do sound
they/you all are sounding

Sonar Present Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Tense

Sonar Present Sentence Examples

1. Yo sueno el timbre.
I ring the bell.
2. Tú suenas muy seguro de ti mismo.
You sound very confident.
3. Él suena la alarma.
He sounds the alarm.
4. Ella suena como una experta.
She sounds like an expert.
5. Usted suena cansado.
You (formal) sound tired.
6. Nosotros sonamos la campana en la escuela.
We ring the bell at school.
7. Vosotros sonáis muy entusiasmados. (used only in Spain)
You all sound very enthusiastic.
8. Ellos suenan los tambores en el concierto.
They play the drums at the concert.
9. Ellas suenan las trompetas en la banda.
They play the trumpets in the band.
10. Ustedes suenan las sirenas del carro de bomberos.
You (plural) sound the fire truck sirens.