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Sonar Present Perfect Tense

Ring in the Present Perfect Tense with the resonant Spanish verb sonar. This page is a vibrant resource for mastering ‘sonar’, offering a detailed verb chart, interactive conjugation activities, amusing games, and practical sentences. Advance your Spanish verb expertise at Spanish verb conjugation. Also, practice the different conjugations of ‘sonar’ at sonar conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to sound, to ring

Verb Chart: Sonar Present Perfect Tense


he sonado

I have sounded


hemos sonado

we have sounded

(Juana, Juan)

has sonado

you have sounded


(informal Spain)

habéis sonado

you all have sounded


(Sra./Dr. García)

ha sonado

he/she/you have sounded


han sonado

they/you all have sounded

Sonar Present Perfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Perfect Tense

Sonar Present Perfect Sentence Examples

1. Mi teléfono ha sonado varias veces durante la reunión.
My phone has rung several times during the meeting.
2. ¿Te ha sonado conocido ese nombre cuando lo escuchaste?
Did that name sound familiar to you when you heard it?
3. A él le ha sonado extraño el ruido en el ático.
The noise in the attic sounded strange to him.
4. A ella le ha sonado la alarma muy temprano esta mañana.
Her alarm rang very early this morning.
5. ¿Le ha sonado a usted la melodía de esa canción?
Did the melody of that song sound familiar to you?
6. Nos ha sonado bien la propuesta del nuevo proyecto.
The proposal for the new project sounded good to us.
7. ¿Os ha sonado interesante la charla sobre astronomía? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Did the talk on astronomy sound interesting to you all?
8. A ellos les ha sonado el despertador justo a tiempo para el vuelo.
Their alarm clock rang just in time for the flight.
9. A ellas les ha sonado raro no recibir noticias de su amiga.
It sounded strange to them not to receive news from their friend.
10. ¿Les ha sonado familiar esa teoría en la clase de física?
Did that theory sound familiar to you in physics class?