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Saber Subjunctive Tense

Deepen your knowledge of expressing knowing facts or information with saber in the Subjunctive Tense, using our comprehensive tools for effective learning. Know your way to expertise at our saber conjugation page and discover more with our Spanish conjugation resources.

Verb Meaning(s): to know (facts, information)

Verb Chart: Saber Subjunctive Tense



(So that) I know



(So that) we know

(Juana, Juan)


(So that) you know


(informal Spain)


(So that) you all know


(Sra./Dr. García)


(So that) he/she/you know



(So that) they/you all know

Saber Subjunctive Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Conjugation Practice

Subjunctive Tense

Saber Subjunctive Sentence Examples

1. Es bueno que yo sepa hablar más de un idioma.
It’s good that I know how to speak more than one language.
2. Quiero que tú sepas cuánto te aprecio.
I want you to know how much I appreciate you.
3. Es fundamental que él sepa la verdad.
It’s fundamental that he knows the truth.
4. Espero que ella sepa que puede contar conmigo.
I hope that she knows she can count on me.
5. Es importante que usted sepa manejar la situación.
It’s important that you know how to handle the situation.
6. Deseamos que nosotros sepamos tomar decisiones acertadas.
We wish that we know how to make the right decisions.
7. Es esencial que vosotros sepáis trabajar en equipo. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
It’s essential that you know how to work as a team.
8. Quiero que ellos sepan la importancia de proteger el medio ambiente.
I want them to know the importance of protecting the environment.
9. Es crucial que ellas sepan expresar sus opiniones con respeto.
It’s crucial that they know how to express their opinions respectfully.
10. Recomiendo que ustedes sepan balancear el estudio y el ocio.
I recommend that you know how to balance study and leisure.