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Saber Preterite Tense

Unlock the secrets of the Spanish Preterite Tense with the verb saber. Our comprehensive page includes a full conjugation chart, interactive verb activities, and sentences that illustrate saber in various contexts. Master expressing knowledge and discovery in Spanish, enhancing your linguistic capabilities. Dive deeper into Spanish verbs with Spanish conjugation. Hone your saber conjugation skills at our saber conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to know, to find out, to learn (only in preterite form)

Verb Chart: Saber Preterite Tense



I knew



we knew

(Juana, Juan)


you knew


(informal Spain)


you all knew


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you knew



they/you all knew

Saber Preterite Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Conjugation Practice

Preterite Tense

Saber Preterite Sentence Examples

1. Ayer supe la verdad sobre el incidente.
Yesterday, I found out the truth about the incident.
2. ¿Supiste que cambiarían el horario de la reunión?
Did you know they would change the meeting schedule?
3. Él supo resolver el problema sin ayuda.
He knew how to solve the problem on his own.
4. Ella supo que había ganado el concurso.
She found out she had won the contest.
5. ¿Supo Ud. cómo actuar en esa situación?
Did you know how to act in that situation?
6. Nosotros supimos de la cancelación del evento a último minuto.
We found out about the event’s cancellation at the last minute.
7. ¿Supieron ellos cuándo volverías de tu viaje?
Did they know when you would return from your trip?
8. Las chicas supieron cómo organizar una fiesta sorpresa exitosa.
The girls knew how to organize a successful surprise party.
9. ¿Supieron Uds. que el profesor cambiaría la fecha del examen?
Did you all know that the teacher would change the exam date?
10. Vosotros supisteis de la oferta de trabajo en esa empresa.
You all (Spain) knew about the job offer at that company.