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Recoger Commands

Enhance your ability to issue recoger Commands in the imperative mood, meaning “to pick up” or “to gather”. Explore our comprehensive resources for effective conjugation learning. Begin with Spanish verbs. Deepen your command with recoger conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to pick up, to gather

Verb Chart: Recoger Commands




let’s pick up


(Juana, Juan)

recoge; no recojas

pick up; don’t pick up


(informal Spain)

recoged; no recojáis

(you all) pick up; (you all) don’t pick up


(Sra./Dr. García)


(you) pick up



(you all) pick up

*Only Tú, and Vosotros change in the negative form. The other conjugations are the same in the negative.

Recoger Commands Practice

Multiple Choice

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Positive Commands

Negative Commands

Spanish Commands

Recoger Commands Sentence Examples

1. Tú: Recoge tu habitación cada mañana; te ayudará a empezar el día organizado.
Pick up your room every morning; it will help you start the day organized.
2. Tú: No recojas objetos que no te pertenecen sin permiso.
Do not pick up objects that do not belong to you without permission.
3. Ud.: Recoja información relevante antes de hacer una presentación.
Gather relevant information before making a presentation.
4. Ud.: No recoja hábitos negativos de sus colegas; sea un ejemplo positivo.
Do not pick up negative habits from your colleagues; be a positive example.
5. Nosotros: Recojamos fondos para la caridad; cada contribución cuenta.
Let’s gather funds for charity; every contribution counts.
6. Nosotros: No recojamos basura sin separarla correctamente; reciclemos.
Let’s not gather trash without properly separating it; let’s recycle.
7. Vosotros: Recoged vuestras cosas después de usar los espacios comunes.
Pick up your things after using communal spaces.
8. Vosotros: No recojáis animales silvestres; podrían necesitar estar en su hábitat.
Do not pick up wild animals; they might need to be in their habitat.
9. Uds.: Recojan experiencias a través de viajes; enriquecerán su vida.
Gather experiences through travel; they will enrich your life.
10. Uds.: No recojan solo lo fácil; enfrenten desafíos que les hagan crecer.
Do not just pick the easy stuff; face challenges that make you grow.