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Querer Present Progressive Tense

Uncover the nuances of querer in the Present Progressive Tense with our engaging verb chart, interactive exercises, and practical sentence examples. Understand its role in expressing desire and love. For more insights, visit our Spanish verb conjugation section. Enhance your ‘querer’ skills on our querer conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to want

Verb Chart: Querer Present Progressive Tense


estoy queriendo

I am wanting (right now)


estamos queriendo

we are wanting (right now)

(Juana, Juan)

estás queriendo

you are wanting (right now)


(informal Spain)

estáis queriendo

you all are wanting (right now)


(Sra./Dr. García)

está queriendo

he/she/you are wanting (right now)


están queriendo

they/you all are wanting (right now)

Querer Present Progressive Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Progressive Tense

Querer Present Progressive Sentence Examples

1. Yo estoy queriendo mejorar mis habilidades en idiomas.
I am wanting to improve my language skills.
2. ¿Tú estás queriendo unirte al club de teatro de la escuela?
Are you wanting to join the school’s theater club?
3. Él está queriendo comenzar su propio negocio.
He is wanting to start his own business.
4. Ella está queriendo aprender a tocar un instrumento musical.
She is wanting to learn to play a musical instrument.
5. Usted está queriendo cambiar de carrera profesional.
You are wanting to change your professional career.
6. Nosotros estamos queriendo organizar un viaje de fin de curso.
We are wanting to organize an end-of-year trip.
7. Vosotros estáis queriendo mejorar vuestra condición física (vosotros is used only in Spain).
You all are wanting to improve your physical fitness.
8. Ellos están queriendo participar en un proyecto comunitario.
They are wanting to participate in a community project.
9. ¿Ellas están queriendo asistir a un taller de arte este fin de semana?
Are they wanting to attend an art workshop this weekend?
10. Ustedes están queriendo adoptar un estilo de vida más saludable.
You all are wanting to adopt a healthier lifestyle.