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Poder Conditional Tense

Unlock the potential of poder in the Conditional Tense with our specialized learning resources. Our site includes a detailed verb chart, engaging conjugation activities, and interactive games, all aimed at helping you confidently use poder in daily Spanish. Dive deeper into verb conjugation with our Spanish conjugation guide. Refine your poder understanding with our poder conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): can, to be able to

Verb Chart: Poder Conditional Tense



I would be able to



we would be able to

(Juana, Juan)


you would be able to


(informal Spain)


you all would be able to


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you would be able to



they/you all would be able to

Poder Conditional Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Conjugation Practice

Conditional Tense

Poder Conditional Sentence Examples

1. Yo podría viajar más si ahorrara dinero de manera inteligente.
I could travel more if I saved money in an intelligent way.
2. ¿Tú podrías mejorar tu nivel de inglés practicando todos los días?
Could you improve your English level by practicing every day?
3. Él podría ganar el torneo si se preparara adecuadamente.
He could win the tournament if he prepared properly.
4. Ella podría abrir su propio negocio si tomara un curso de emprendimiento.
She could open her own business if she took an entrepreneurship course.
5. Usted podría cambiar de carrera si realmente lo deseara, ¿verdad?
You could change careers if you really wished to, right?
6. Nosotros podríamos hacer una diferencia en nuestra comunidad si trabajáramos juntos.
We could make a difference in our community if we worked together.
7. ¿Vosotros podríais aprender a tocar un instrumento musical si os dedicarais a ello? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Could you learn to play a musical instrument if you dedicated yourselves to it?
8. Ellos podrían entender mejor la materia si estudiaran en grupo.
They could understand the subject better if they studied in a group.
9. Ellas podrían participar en una maratón si entrenaran juntas.
They could run in a marathon if they trained together.
10. ¿Ustedes podrían vivir en otro país por un año si tuvieran la oportunidad?
Could you live in another country for a year if you had the chance?