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Pegar Present Perfect Tense

Stick to your language goals with the Present Perfect Tense and the Spanish verb pegar. Our page is a resourceful tool for mastering ‘pegar’, offering a detailed verb chart, interactive conjugation practices, fun games, and sentences illustrating its use. Advance your Spanish language journey at Spanish verb conjugation. Also, enhance your ‘pegar’ conjugation techniques at pegar conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to stick, to hit, to glue

Verb Chart: Pegar Present Perfect Tense


he pegado

I have glued


hemos pegado

we have glued

(Juana, Juan)

has pegado

you have glued


(informal Spain)

habéis pegado

you all have glued


(Sra./Dr. García)

ha pegado

he/she/you have glued


han pegado

they/you all have glued

Pegar Present Perfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Perfect Tense

Pegar Present Perfect Sentence Examples

1. Yo he pegado un póster en la pared de mi habitación.
I have stuck a poster on the wall of my room.
2. ¿Tú has pegado etiquetas en tus libros escolares?
Have you stuck labels on your school books?
3. Él ha pegado un golpe fuerte en la puerta para llamar la atención.
He has knocked loudly on the door to get attention.
4. Ella ha pegado fotos en su álbum de recuerdos.
She has pasted photos in her memory album.
5. Usted ha pegado un anuncio en el tablón de anuncios de la oficina.
You have pinned an announcement on the office bulletin board.
6. Nosotros hemos pegado calcomanías en nuestros cuadernos.
We have stuck stickers on our notebooks.
7. ¿Vosotros habéis pegado carteles para la campaña escolar? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Have you all put up posters for the school campaign?
8. Ellos han pegado un parche en la llanta de la bicicleta.
They have patched the bicycle tire.
9. Ellas han pegado con cinta adhesiva la tapa de un libro roto.
They have taped the cover of a broken book.
10. ¿Ustedes han pegado imanes en el refrigerador?
Have you stuck magnets on the refrigerator?