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Pasear Commands

Learn to command with pasear Commands in the imperative mood for “to take a walk”. Explore our interactive resources for a comprehensive learning experience. Kickstart your mastery at Spanish verbs. Deepen your practice with pasear conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to take a walk, to stroll

Verb Chart: Pasear Commands




let’s take a walk


(Juana, Juan)

pasea; no pasees

take a walk; don’t take a walk


(informal Spain)

pasead; no paseéis

(you all) take a walk; (you all) don’t take a walk


(Sra./Dr. García)


(you) take a walk



(you all) take a walk

*Only Tú, and Vosotros change in the negative form. The other conjugations are the same in the negative.

Pasear Commands Practice

Multiple Choice

Positive Commands

Negative Commands

Spanish Commands

Pasear Commands Sentence Examples

1. Tú: Pasea por el parque para despejar tu mente.
Take a walk through the park to clear your mind.
2. Tú: No pasees por zonas peligrosas sin compañía.
Do not take a walk through dangerous areas without company.
3. Ud.: Pasee a su perro todos los días; es bueno para ambos.
Take a walk with your dog every day; it’s good for both of you.
4. Ud.: No pasee distraído con el móvil; esté atento a su entorno.
Do not take a walk distracted with your mobile; be aware of your surroundings.
5. Nosotros: Paseemos por la ciudad este fin de semana y descubramos lugares nuevos.
Let’s stroll through the city this weekend and discover new places.
6. Nosotros: No paseemos sin rumbo; planifiquemos nuestro recorrido.
Let’s not stroll aimlessly; let’s plan our route.
7. Vosotros: Pasead por la playa al atardecer; es una experiencia única.
Take a walk on the beach at sunset; it’s a unique experience.
8. Vosotros: No paseéis bajo el sol fuerte sin protección solar.
Do not take a walk under the strong sun without sun protection.
9. Uds.: Paseen en bicicleta por la ciudad; es saludable y ecológico.
Ride bikes around the city; it’s healthy and eco-friendly.
10. Uds.: No paseen ignorando las medidas de seguridad básicas.
Do not stroll ignoring basic safety measures.