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Necesitar Present Perfect Tense

Fulfill your need to learn with the Present Perfect Tense and the essential Spanish verb necesitar. Our page is designed to provide comprehensive guidance on ‘necesitar’, featuring a detailed verb chart, interactive conjugation exercises, engaging games, and practical sentences. Advance your Spanish skills at Spanish verb conjugation. Also, enhance your practice with the various conjugations of ‘necesitar’ at necesitar conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to need

Verb Chart: Necesitar Present Perfect Tense


he necesitado

I have needed


hemos necesitado

we have needed

(Juana, Juan)

has necesitado

you have needed


(informal Spain)

habéis necesitado

you all have needed


(Sra./Dr. García)

ha necesitado

he/she/you have needed


han necesitado

they/you all have needed

Necesitar Present Perfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Perfect Tense

Necesitar Present Perfect Sentence Examples

1. Yo he necesitado ayuda con mi tarea de matemáticas.
I have needed help with my math homework.
2. ¿Tú has necesitado comprar libros para la escuela?
Have you needed to buy books for school?
3. Él ha necesitado un descanso después de tanto estudio.
He has needed a break after so much studying.
4. Ella ha necesitado consejos para tomar una decisión importante.
She has needed advice to make an important decision.
5. Usted ha necesitado paciencia para enseñar a los jóvenes.
You have needed patience to teach the young.
6. Nosotros hemos necesitado más tiempo para terminar el proyecto.
We have needed more time to finish the project.
7. ¿Vosotros habéis necesitado ayuda para organizar el evento? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Have you all needed help to organize the event?
8. Ellos han necesitado aprender un segundo idioma para su trabajo.
They have needed to learn a second language for their job.
9. Ellas han necesitado apoyo para iniciar su negocio.
They have needed support to start their business.
10. ¿Ustedes han necesitado más información para completar su investigación?
Have you needed more information to complete your research?