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Nacer Present Tense

Explore the beginnings with nacer in the Present Tense. Our site provides an all-encompassing verb chart, personalized conjugation exercises, engaging games, and sentences featuring nacer in various contexts. To further your Spanish language learning, visit our Spanish conjugation page. Discover the origins with our nacer conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to be born

Verb Chart: Nacer Present Tense



I am born



we are born

(Juana, Juan)


you are born


(informal Spain)


you all are born


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you is born



they/you all are born

Nacer Present Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Tense

Nacer Present Sentence Examples

1. Nacen flores en el jardín cada primavera.
Flowers are born in the garden every spring.
2. ¿Nacen mariposas de estas orugas?
Do butterflies emerge from these caterpillars?
3. En este bosque nacen nuevos árboles cada año.
In this forest, new trees sprout every year.
4. Nacen ideas creativas en nuestra clase de arte.
Creative ideas are born in our art class.
5. ¿Nacen estrellas en el universo constantemente?
Are stars constantly born in the universe?
6. Nacen nuevas amistades en el campamento de verano.
New friendships are formed at summer camp.
7. ¿Nacen talentos musicales en tu escuela?
Are musical talents emerging in your school?
8. En nuestra comunidad, nacen proyectos ecológicos regularmente.
In our community, ecological projects regularly take root.
9. Nacen sonrisas en sus caras cuando ven a su mascota.
Smiles appear on their faces when they see their pet.
10. ¿Nacen nuevas tecnologías de estas investigaciones?
Are new technologies born from these research efforts?