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Nacer Future Tense

Witness the birth of your ability to nacer in the Future Tense and bring new life to your Spanish conversations! This page is your cradle, offering a nurturing verb chart, life-affirming conjugation exercises, playful games, and sentences that explore the use of nacer in narrative contexts. Cultivate your linguistic rebirth. Experience the genesis with Spanish verbs. Give life to your expressions with our nacer conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to be born

Verb Chart: Nacer Future Tense



I will be born



we will be born

(Juana, Juan)


you will be born


(informal Spain)


you all will be born


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will be born



they/you all will be born

Nacer Future Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Future Tense

Nacer Future Sentence Examples

1. El próximo año nacerán más especies en peligro en el zoológico gracias al programa de conservación.
Next year, more endangered species will be born in the zoo thanks to the conservation program.
2. ¿Nacerán ideas innovadoras en el próximo encuentro de jóvenes emprendedores?
Will innovative ideas be born at the next meeting of young entrepreneurs?
3. En la primavera, nacerán nuevos árboles en nuestro jardín.
New trees will be born in our garden in the spring.
4. Nacerán talentos futuros en este campeonato de jóvenes.
Future talents will be born in this championship for youths.
5. ¿Nacerán soluciones efectivas a nuestros problemas durante la conferencia?
Will effective solutions to our problems be born during the conference?
6. Este verano, nacerán nuevas amistades en el campamento.
New friendships will be born at the camp this summer.
7. ¿Nacerán oportunidades de trabajo después de la feria de empleo?
Will job opportunities be born after the job fair?
8. Nacerán controversias a partir de los resultados de la investigación.
Controversies will be born from the research results.
9. En el taller, nacerán proyectos creativos entre los estudiantes.
Creative projects will be born among the students in the workshop.
10. ¿Nacerán estrellas nuevas en el cielo que podamos observar con telescopios?
Will new stars be born in the sky that we can observe with telescopes?