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Mirar Subjunctive Tense

Sharpen your ability to discuss looking or watching with mirar in the Subjunctive Tense, using our engaging resources and practical exercises. Focus your gaze at our mirar conjugation page and observe more with our Spanish conjugation exploration.

Verb Meaning(s): to look at, to watch

Verb Chart: Mirar Subjunctive Tense



(So that) I look



(So that) we look

(Juana, Juan)


(So that) you look


(informal Spain)


(So that) you all look


(Sra./Dr. García)


(So that) he/she/you look



(So that) they/you all look

Mirar Subjunctive Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Subjunctive Tense

Mirar Subjunctive Sentence Examples

1. Es importante que yo mire hacia el futuro con optimismo.
It’s important that I look to the future with optimism.
2. Quiero que tú mires este documental; te cambiará la perspectiva.
I want you to watch this documentary; it will change your perspective.
3. Es necesario que él mire bien los detalles antes de firmar.
It’s necessary that he looks closely at the details before signing.
4. Espero que ella mire las estrellas y encuentre inspiración.
I hope that she looks at the stars and finds inspiration.
5. Deseo que usted mire estos errores como oportunidades de aprendizaje.
I wish that you look at these mistakes as learning opportunities.
6. Es bueno que nosotros miremos las críticas constructivas de manera positiva.
It’s good that we view constructive criticism in a positive way.
7. Os recomiendo que miréis alrededor y apreciéis la belleza de la naturaleza. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
I recommend that you look around and appreciate the beauty of nature.
8. Quiero que ellos miren más allá de sus diferencias y trabajen juntos.
I want them to look beyond their differences and work together.
9. Es vital que ellas miren hacia adelante y no se queden atrapadas en el pasado.
It’s vital that they look forward and not get trapped in the past.
10. Recomiendo que ustedes miren las instrucciones antes de usar el equipo nuevo.
I recommend that you look at the instructions before using the new equipment.