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Levantarse Commands

Get to grips with levantarse Commands in the imperative mood for “to get up”. Our site provides interactive verb charts and engaging exercises. Start with Spanish verb conjugation. For further practice, check out levantarse conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to get up, to stand up

Verb Chart: Levantarse Commands



levantémonos: no nos levantemos

let's get up; let's not get up


(Juana, Juan)

levántate; no te levantes

get up; don’t get up


(informal Spain)

levantaos; no os levantéis

(you all) get up; (you all) don’t get up


(Sra./Dr. García)

levántese; no se lavante

(you) get up; (you) don't get up


levántense; no se levanten

(you all) get up; (you all) don't get up

Levantarse Commands Practice

Multiple Choice

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Positive Commands

Negative Commands

Spanish Commands

Levantarse Commands Sentence Examples

1. Tú: Levántate temprano para empezar el día con energía.
Get up early to start the day with energy.
2. Tú: No te levantes bruscamente si te sientes mareado.
Do not get up abruptly if you feel dizzy.
3. Ud.: Levántese y estire las piernas cada hora si trabaja sentado.
Stand up and stretch your legs every hour if you work sitting down.
4. Ud.: No se levante tarde todos los días; establezca una rutina.
Do not get up late every day; establish a routine.
5. Nosotros: Levantémonos para recibir al invitado con respeto.
Let’s stand up to greet the guest with respect.
6. Nosotros: No nos levantemos sin agradecer por la comida cuando somos invitados.
Let’s not get up without thanking for the meal when we are guests.
7. Vosotros: Levantaos con tiempo para prepararos sin prisas.
Get up in time to get ready without rushing.
8. Vosotros: No os levantéis de la mesa hasta que todos hayan terminado de comer.
Do not get up from the table until everyone has finished eating.
9. Uds.: Levántense y caminen un poco durante los vuelos largos.
Stand up and walk a bit during long flights.
10. Uds.: No se levanten inmediatamente después de comer; es mejor esperar un poco.
Do not stand up immediately after eating; it’s better to wait a while.