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Haber Present Tense

Uncover the nuances of haber in the Present Tense. Our site features a comprehensive verb chart, specialized conjugation practices, engaging games, and practical sentences with haber. To explore more Spanish verbs, visit our Spanish conjugation page. Develop your skills on the haber conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to have (auxiliary verb – see sentences below to see how it us used)

Verb Chart: Haber Present Tense



I have



we have

(Juana, Juan)


you have


(informal Spain)


you all have


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you have



they/you all have

Haber Present Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Tense

Haber Present Sentence Examples

1. He terminado mi tarea de matemáticas.
I have finished my math homework.
2. ¿Has visto la nueva película de ciencia ficción?
Have you seen the new science fiction movie?
3. Ha escrito un libro sobre historia antigua.
He has written a book about ancient history.
4. Ella ha cocinado una tarta para el cumpleaños de su hermano.
She has baked a cake for her brother’s birthday.
5. ¿Usted ha viajado a otro país alguna vez?
Have you ever traveled to another country?
6. Hemos aprendido mucho en nuestras clases de español.
We have learned a lot in our Spanish classes.
7. ¿Habéis organizado ya el evento escolar?
Have you all (Spain) already organized the school event?
8. Han plantado árboles en el parque local.
They have planted trees in the local park.
9. ¿Hay un cine en este barrio?
Is there a cinema in this neighborhood?
10. Hay una fiesta en la plaza este sábado.
There is a party in the square this Saturday.