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Fascinar Present Progressive Tense

Learn the intricacies of fascinar in the Present Progressive Tense with our interactive verb chart, engaging exercises, and everyday examples. Discover its use in expressing interests and preferences. Visit our Spanish verbs page for more. Practice ‘fascinar’ on our fascinar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to fascinate, to interest

Verb Chart: Fascinar Present Progressive Tense

A mí

me está fascinando

It is fascinating to me (right now)

A nosotros

nos está fascinando

It is fascinating to us (right now)

A ti

(Juana, Juan)

te está fascinando

It is fascinating to you (right now)

A vosotros

(informal Spain)

os está fascinando

It is fascinating to all of you (right now)

A él/ella/Ud.

(Sra./Dr. García)

le está fascinando

It is fascinating to him/her/you (right now)

A ellos/ellas/Uds.

les está fascinando

It is fascinating to them/all of you (right now)

Fascinar Present Progressive Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Progressive Tense

Fascinar Present Progressive Sentence Examples

1. A mí me está fascinando la astronomía últimamente.
I am becoming fascinated by astronomy lately.
2. ¿A ti te está fascinando la música clásica?
Are you becoming fascinated by classical music?
3. A él le está fascinando la robótica y sus posibilidades.
He is becoming fascinated by robotics and its possibilities.
4. A ella le está fascinando aprender idiomas extranjeros.
She is becoming fascinated with learning foreign languages.
5. ¿A usted le está fascinando la historia del arte?
Are you becoming fascinated by art history?
6. A nosotros nos está fascinando la exploración espacial.
We are becoming fascinated by space exploration.
7. ¿A vosotros os está fascinando la cultura japonesa? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Are you all becoming fascinated by Japanese culture?
8. A ellos les está fascinando la inteligencia artificial.
They are becoming fascinated by artificial intelligence.
9. ¿A ellas les está fascinando el teatro y la actuación?
Are they becoming fascinated by theater and acting?
10. A ustedes les está fascinando el mundo del cine.
You all are becoming fascinated by the world of cinema.