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Estudiar Preterite Tense

Advance your Spanish knowledge with the Preterite Tense of estudiar. Our comprehensive site offers a full conjugation chart, interactive verb activities, and examples of estudiar in real-life contexts. Enhance your ability to communicate learning and studying in Spanish. For more insights into Spanish verbs, explore Spanish conjugation. Refine your estudiar conjugation techniques at our estudiar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to study

Verb Chart: Estudiar Preterite Tense



I studied



we studied

(Juana, Juan)


you studied


(informal Spain)


you all studied


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you studied



they/you all studied

Estudiar Preterite Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Preterite Tense

Estudiar Preterite Sentence Examples

1. Ayer estudié para mi examen de matemáticas toda la noche.
Yesterday, I studied for my math exam all night.
2. ¿Estudiaste el capítulo de historia para la prueba?
Did you study the history chapter for the test?
3. Él estudió arquitectura en la universidad.
He studied architecture at the university.
4. Ella estudió las notas antes de su presentación.
She studied the notes before her presentation.
5. ¿Estudió Ud. francés en la escuela secundaria?
Did you study French in high school?
6. Nosotros estudiamos juntos para el examen final.
We studied together for the final exam.
7. ¿Estudiaron ellos la música de diferentes culturas?
Did they study music from different cultures?
8. Las chicas estudiaron la obra de Shakespeare en literatura.
The girls studied Shakespeare’s work in literature.
9. ¿Estudiaron Uds. las constelaciones en la clase de astronomía?
Did you all study the constellations in astronomy class?
10. Vosotros estudiasteis la geografía de España.
You all (Spain) studied the geography of Spain.