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Estudiar Present Tense

Begin your journey with estudiar in the Present Tense. Our site provides an all-inclusive verb chart, customized conjugation practices, engaging games, and sentences that incorporate estudiar. Explore more at our Spanish conjugation page. Dive into learning with our estudiar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to study

Verb Chart: Estudiar Present Tense



I study
I do study
I am studying



we study
we do study
we are studying

(Juana, Juan)


you study
you do study
you are studying


(informal Spain)


you all study
you all do study
you all are studying


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you study
he/she/you do study
he/she/you are studying



they/you all study
they/ you all do study
they/you all are studying

Estudiar Present Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Tense

Estudiar Present Sentence Examples

1. Yo estudio para el examen de matemáticas.
I study for the math exam.
2. ¿Tú estudias inglés en la escuela?
Do you study English at school?
3. Él estudia biología en la universidad.
He studies biology at the university.
4. Ella estudia música los fines de semana.
She studies music on weekends.
5. ¿Usted estudia historia antigua?
Do you study ancient history?
6. Nosotros estudiamos juntos para el examen final.
We study together for the final exam.
7. ¿Vosotros estudiáis arte en la escuela?
Do you all (Spain) study art at school?
8. Ellos estudian diferentes idiomas.
They study different languages.
9. Ellas estudian programación.
They study programming.
10. ¿Ustedes estudian geografía en clase?
Do you all study geography in class?