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Decir Subjunctive Tense

Express yourself by mastering decir in the Subjunctive Tense, with comprehensive tools for saying or telling in Spanish. Voice your learning at our decir conjugation page and speak up with our Spanish conjugation guide.

Verb Meaning(s): to say, to tell

Verb Chart: Decir Subjunctive Tense



(So that) I say



(So that) we say

(Juana, Juan)


(So that) you say


(informal Spain)


(So that) you all say


(Sra./Dr. García)


(So that) he/she/you say



(So that) they/you all say

Decir Subjunctive Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Conjugation Practice

Subjunctive Tense

Decir Subjunctive Sentence Examples

1. Es difícil que yo diga no cuando me piden ayuda.
It’s difficult for me to say no when asked for help.
2. Quiero que tú digas la verdad siempre.
I want you to always tell the truth.
3. Espero que él diga lo que piensa en la reunión.
I hope he speaks his mind at the meeting.
4. Deseo que ella diga sus sentimientos abiertamente.
I wish she expresses her feelings openly.
5. Es importante que usted diga su opinión sobre el proyecto.
It’s important that you give your opinion on the project.
6. Ojalá que nosotros digamos adiós a los malos hábitos.
Hopefully, we say goodbye to bad habits.
7. Prefiero que vosotros digáis cuándo estáis listos para comenzar. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
I prefer that you all say when you’re ready to start.
8. Es vital que ellos digan lo necesario para resolver el conflicto.
It’s vital that they say what’s necessary to resolve the conflict.
9. Quiero que ellas digan sus ideas durante la tormenta de ideas.
I want them to voice their ideas during the brainstorming session.
10. Sugiero que ustedes digan sus preferencias para la cena de esta noche.
I suggest that you state your preferences for tonight’s dinner.