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Deber Future Tense

Understand your obligations by mastering deber in the Future Tense and communicate your duties and responsibilities in Spanish! This page provides a comprehensive verb chart, duty-bound conjugation exercises, engaging games, and sentences for practical usage of deber. Fulfill your linguistic duties. Commit to learning with Spanish verbs. Take responsibility for your deber knowledge on our deber conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): must, should, to owe

Verb Chart: Deber Future Tense



I will owe



we will owe

(Juana, Juan)


you will owe


(informal Spain)


you all will owe


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will owe



they/you all will owe

Deber Future Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Future Tense

Deber Future Sentence Examples

1. Yo deberé estudiar más para mejorar mis calificaciones.
I will have to study more to improve my grades.
2. ¿Tú deberás limpiar tu habitación antes de salir?
Will you have to clean your room before going out?
3. Él deberá terminar su proyecto antes del viernes.
He will have to finish his project before Friday.
4. Ella deberá decidirse por una universidad pronto.
She will have to decide on a university soon.
5. Usted deberá firmar los documentos mañana, ¿no?
You will have to sign the documents tomorrow, won’t you?
6. Nosotros deberemos ahorrar dinero para nuestras vacaciones.
We will have to save money for our vacation.
7. Vosotros deberéis practicar más para ganar el torneo. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will have to practice more to win the tournament.
8. Ellos deberán buscar una solución al problema.
They will have to find a solution to the problem.
9. Ellas deberán entregar los ensayos antes del lunes.
They will have to submit the essays before Monday.
10. ¿Ustedes deberán completar todos los ejercicios para la próxima clase?
Will you have to complete all the exercises for the next class?