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Creer Present Perfect Tense

Embrace the Present Perfect Tense with the thought-provoking Spanish verb creer. Our page is dedicated to helping you master ‘creer’, featuring an extensive verb chart, interactive conjugation exercises, engaging games, and sentences for practical usage. Expand your Spanish verb knowledge at Spanish verb conjugation. Also, enhance your understanding of ‘creer’ conjugations at creer conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to believe, to think

Verb Chart: Creer Present Perfect Tense


he creído

I have believed


hemos creído

we have believed

(Juana, Juan)

has creído

you have believed


(informal Spain)

habéis creído

you all have believed


(Sra./Dr. García)

ha creído

he/she/you have believed


han creído

they/you all have believed

Creer Present Perfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Perfect Tense

Creer Present Perfect Sentence Examples

1. Yo he creído siempre en la amistad verdadera.
I have always believed in true friendship.
2. ¿Tú has creído en historias de fantasmas?
Have you believed in ghost stories?
3. Él ha creído en su capacidad para ganar la competencia.
He has believed in his ability to win the competition.
4. Ella ha creído en la importancia del reciclaje.
She has believed in the importance of recycling.
5. Usted ha creído en los jóvenes talentos de su empresa.
You have believed in the young talents of your company.
6. Nosotros hemos creído en la posibilidad de un mundo mejor.
We have believed in the possibility of a better world.
7. ¿Vosotros habéis creído en la existencia de vida en otros planetas? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Have you all believed in the existence of life on other planets?
8. Ellos han creído en sus sueños y los han seguido.
They have believed in their dreams and followed them.
9. Ellas han creído en la igualdad y la han defendido.
They have believed in equality and have defended it.
10. ¿Ustedes han creído siempre en la justicia?
Have you always believed in justice?