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Contar Subjunctive Tense

Count on mastering the expression of counting or relying with contar in the Subjunctive Tense, using our engaging tools and contextual examples. Rely on more knowledge at our contar conjugation page and explore the nuances of Spanish conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to count, to tell, to rely on

Verb Chart: Contar Subjunctive Tense



(So that) I count



(So that) we count

(Juana, Juan)


(So that) you count


(informal Spain)


(So that) you all count


(Sra./Dr. García)


(So that) he/she/you count



(So that) they/you all count

Contar Subjunctive Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Subjunctive Tense

Contar Subjunctive Sentence Examples

1. Espero que yo cuente con tu apoyo para el proyecto.
I hope I can count on your support for the project.
2. Es importante que tú cuentes hasta diez antes de responder enojado.
It’s important that you count to ten before responding angrily.
3. Quiero que él cuente su versión de la historia.
I want him to tell his version of the story.
4. Deseo que ella cuente las estrellas en una noche clara.
I wish she counts the stars on a clear night.
5. Es bueno que usted cuente con un plan B.
It’s good that you have a plan B.
6. Ojalá que nosotros contemos con buen tiempo para el picnic.
Hopefully, we have good weather for the picnic.
7. Prefiero que vosotros contéis los gastos del viaje. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
I prefer that you all count the travel expenses.
8. Es vital que ellos cuenten con los recursos necesarios para el proyecto.
It’s vital that they have the necessary resources for the project.
9. Quiero que ellas cuenten sus experiencias después del intercambio.
I want them to share their experiences after the exchange.
10. Sugiero que ustedes cuenten con suficiente tiempo para llegar al aeropuerto.
I suggest that you allow enough time to get to the airport.