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Contar Future Tense

Count on mastering contar in the Future Tense to add numerical precision and storytelling flair to your Spanish! This page offers a comprehensive verb chart, engaging conjugation exercises, interactive games, and sentences that illustrate contar in daily use. Make every number and story count. Engage with storytelling at Spanish verbs. Tally up your contar skills on our contar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to count, to tell

Verb Chart: Contar Future Tense



I will count



we will count

(Juana, Juan)


you will count


(informal Spain)


you all will count


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will count



they/you all will count

Contar Future Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Future Tense

Contar Future Sentence Examples

1. Yo contaré todas las estrellas en el cielo esta noche.
I will count all the stars in the sky tonight.
2. ¿Tú contarás la verdad sobre lo sucedido?
Will you tell the truth about what happened?
3. Él contará los días hasta su cumpleaños.
He will count the days until his birthday.
4. Ella contará una historia a los niños en la biblioteca.
She will tell a story to the children at the library.
5. Usted contará con nuestro apoyo para el proyecto, ¿cierto?
You will count on our support for the project, right?
6. Nosotros contaremos los votos después de la elección escolar.
We will count the votes after the school election.
7. Vosotros contaréis chistes en la fiesta para animar el ambiente. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will tell jokes at the party to liven up the atmosphere.
8. Ellos contarán con un nuevo entrenador para mejorar el equipo.
They will have a new coach to improve the team.
9. Ellas contarán las calorías para mantener su dieta.
They will count calories to maintain their diet.
10. ¿Ustedes contarán las historias de sus viajes en el blog?
Will you tell the stories of your travels on the blog?