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Construir Present Tense

Build your Spanish skills with “construir“! Our page offers a detailed approach to learning this verb in the present tense, complete with interactive charts, games, and sentence examples. “Construir” adds a constructive element to your vocabulary. For more verb mastery, visit Spanish conjugation. Discover the nuances of construir conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to build, to construct

Verb Chart: Construir Present Tense



I build
I do build
I am building



we build
we do build
we are building

(Juana, Juan)


you build
you do build
you are building


(informal Spain)


you all build
you all do build
you all are building


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you build
he/she/you do build
he/she/you are building



they/you all build
they/you all do build
they/you all are building

Construir Present Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Tense

Construir Present Sentence Examples

1. Yo construyo maquetas de aviones como hobby.
I build model airplanes as a hobby.
2. ¿Tú construyes casas para pájaros?
Do you build birdhouses?
3. Él construye un mueble para su sala.
He builds a piece of furniture for his living room.
4. Nosotros construimos un refugio en el bosque.
We build a shelter in the forest.
5. Vosotros construís un castillo de arena. (Used only in Spain)
You all build a sandcastle.
6. Ellas construyen un proyecto de ciencia.
They build a science project.
7. Ustedes construyen una nueva oficina para la empresa.
You all build a new office for the company.
8. ¿Construye él modelos de trenes?
Does he build train models?
9. ¿Construye ella una piscina en el jardín?
Does she build a pool in the garden?
10. Construyen un puente sobre el río.
They build a bridge over the river.