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Construir Present Perfect Tense

Build your Spanish skills with the Present Perfect Tense and the verb construir. This page is a comprehensive toolkit for mastering ‘construir’, including a detailed verb chart, interactive conjugation exercises, fun games, and sentences for practical usage. Advance your Spanish verb expertise at Spanish verb conjugation. Also, practice the various forms of ‘construir’ at construir conjugation.

Verb Meaning(s): to build, to construct

Verb Chart: Construir Present Perfect Tense


he construido

I have built


hemos construido

we have built

(Juana, Juan)

has construido

you have built


(informal Spain)

habéis construido

you all have built


(Sra./Dr. García)

ha construido

he/she/you have built


han construido

they/you all have built

Construir Present Perfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Present Perfect Tense

Construir Present Perfect Sentence Examples

1. Yo he construido un modelo de avión.
I have built a model airplane.
2. ¿Tú has construido alguna vez una casa en un árbol?
Have you ever built a treehouse?
3. Él ha construido una aplicación para móviles.
He has built a mobile application.
4. Ella ha construido un fuerte de almohadas en su sala.
She has built a pillow fort in her living room.
5. Usted ha construido una carrera exitosa como arquitecto.
You have built a successful career as an architect.
6. Nosotros hemos construido un jardín comunitario en el barrio.
We have built a community garden in the neighborhood.
7. ¿Vosotros habéis construido maquetas para la clase de ciencias? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Have you all built models for science class?
8. Ellos han construido un robot para la competencia de robótica.
They have built a robot for the robotics competition.
9. Ellas han construido una página web para su negocio.
They have built a website for their business.
10. ¿Ustedes han construido algo con bloques de construcción?
Have you built anything with building blocks?