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Construir Future Tense

Build your Spanish to new heights by learning to construir in the Future Tense. This page is the foundation for success, featuring a detailed verb chart, practical conjugation exercises, fun games, and sentences to practice construir in construction-related scenarios. Construct your language future. Lay the foundation with Spanish verbs. Erect your understanding of construir at our construir conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to build, to construct

Verb Chart: Construir Future Tense



I will build



we will build

(Juana, Juan)


you will build


(informal Spain)


you all will build


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will build



they/you all will build

Construir Future Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Future Tense

Construir Future Sentence Examples

1. Yo construiré una casa en el campo cuando me retire.
I will build a house in the countryside when I retire.
2. ¿Tú construirás el modelo del sistema solar para la feria de ciencias?
Will you build the solar system model for the science fair?
3. Él construirá un refugio para animales abandonados.
He will build a shelter for abandoned animals.
4. Ella construirá una carrera exitosa en el mundo del arte.
She will build a successful career in the art world.
5. Usted construirá la nueva biblioteca del colegio, ¿no es así?
You will build the new school library, won’t you?
6. Nosotros construiremos un jardín comunitario para el vecindario.
We will build a community garden for the neighborhood.
7. Vosotros construiréis un castillo de arena en la playa. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will build a sandcastle on the beach.
8. Ellos construirán un puente para mejorar la conexión entre dos ciudades.
They will build a bridge to improve the connection between two cities.
9. Ellas construirán una aplicación móvil para ayudar a estudiantes a estudiar.
They will build a mobile app to help students study.
10. ¿Ustedes construirán un teatro en la comunidad?
Will you build a theater in the community?