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Comprender Commands

Explore the depths of comprender Commands in the Imperative mood. This verb is vital for understanding complex ideas and communications in Spanish. Grasp the nuances of comprehension. Deepen your understanding with Spanish conjugation. Enhance your comprehension abilities at our comprender conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to understand

Verb Chart: Comprender Commands




let’s understand


(Juana, Juan)

comprende; no comprendas

understand; don’t understand


(informal Spain)

comprended; no comprendáis

(you all) understand; (you all) don’t understand


(Sra./Dr. García)


(you) understand



(you all) understand

*Only Tú, and Vosotros change in the negative form. The other conjugations are the same in the negative.

Comprender Commands Practice

Multiple Choice

Positive Commands

Negative Commands

Spanish Commands

Comprender Commands Sentence Examples

1. Tú: Comprende la importancia de estudiar idiomas.
Understand the importance of studying languages.
2. Tú: No comprendas mal las instrucciones del profesor.
Do not misunderstand the teacher’s instructions.
3. Ud.: Comprenda las diferencias culturales al viajar.
Understand cultural differences when traveling.
4. Ud.: No comprenda solo la superficie de los temas.
Do not understand just the surface of the topics.
5. Nosotros: Comprendamos las razones detrás de las decisiones.
Let’s understand the reasons behind decisions.
6. Nosotros: No comprendamos las críticas como algo personal.
Let’s not understand the criticism as something personal.
7. Vosotros: Comprended que aprender de los errores es parte del proceso.
Understand that learning from mistakes is part of the process.
8. Vosotros: No comprendáis tarde la importancia del tiempo.
Do not understand the importance of time too late.
9. Uds.: Comprendan las instrucciones antes de comenzar el proyecto.
Understand the instructions before starting the project.
10. Uds.: No comprendan mal las intenciones de los demás.
Do not misunderstand others’ intentions.