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Comprar Subjunctive Tense

Discuss shopping or purchasing with ease using comprar in the Subjunctive Tense. Our resources help you navigate shopping talks, from verb charts to real-life examples. Enhance your shopping vocabulary at our comprar conjugation page and gain more insights with our Spanish conjugation guide.

Verb Meaning(s): to buy, to purchase

Verb Chart: Comprar Subjunctive Tense



(So that) I buy



(So that) we buy

(Juana, Juan)


(So that) you buy


(informal Spain)


(So that) you all buy


(Sra./Dr. García)


(So that) he/she/you buy



(So that) they/you all buy

Comprar Subjunctive Tense Practice

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Artifact Amigo Spanish Verb Conjugation Game

Conjugation Practice

Subjunctive Tense

Comprar Subjunctive Sentence Examples

1. Es necesario que yo compre los libros para el nuevo semestre.
It’s necessary that I buy the books for the new semester.
2. Quiero que tú compres las entradas para el cine.
I want you to buy the movie tickets.
3. Espero que él compre un regalo para su hermana.
I hope he buys a gift for his sister.
4. Deseo que ella compre ropa de segunda mano para promover el reciclaje.
I wish she buys second-hand clothes to promote recycling.
5. Es importante que usted compre productos locales.
It’s important that you buy local products.
6. Ojalá que nosotros compremos todos los materiales necesarios hoy.
Hopefully, we buy all the necessary materials today.
7. Prefiero que vosotros compréis los billetes de tren con antelación. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
I prefer that you all buy the train tickets in advance.
8. Es crucial que ellos compren un filtro para el agua.
It’s crucial that they buy a water filter.
9. Quiero que ellas compren alimentos saludables.
I want them to buy healthy foods.
10. Sugiero que ustedes compren en tiendas de comercio justo.
I suggest that you shop at fair trade stores.