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Comprar Conditional Tense

Learn how to use comprar in the Conditional Tense effectively with our comprehensive learning platform. We provide a detailed verb chart, interactive conjugation practices, and educational games to help you integrate comprar into your Spanish vocabulary. For more insights into Spanish verbs, check out our Spanish conjugation guide. Enhance your conjugation skills with our comprar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to buy

Verb Chart: Comprar Conditional Tense



I would buy



we would buy

(Juana, Juan)


you would buy


(informal Spain)


you all would buy


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you would buy



they/you all would buy

Comprar Conditional Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Conditional Tense

Comprar Conditional Sentence Examples

1. Yo compraría un teléfono nuevo si el mío se rompiera.
I would buy a new phone if mine broke.
2. ¿Tú comprarías ropa de segunda mano?
Would you buy second-hand clothes?
3. Él compraría un coche si tuviera suficiente dinero.
He would buy a car if he had enough money.
4. Ella compraría un regalo para su mejor amiga.
She would buy a gift for her best friend.
5. Usted compraría un billete de lotería, ¿no es así?
You would buy a lottery ticket, wouldn’t you?
6. Nosotros compraríamos entradas para el concierto de nuestra banda favorita.
We would buy tickets for our favorite band’s concert.
7. ¿Vosotros compraríais libros digitales o preferís los impresos? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Would you guys buy digital books or do you prefer printed ones?
8. Ellos comprarían equipo deportivo para su equipo de fútbol.
They would buy sports equipment for their soccer team.
9. Ellas comprarían materiales de arte para su proyecto escolar.
They would buy art materials for their school project.
10. ¿Ustedes comprarían una cámara para empezar un club de fotografía?
Would you buy a camera to start a photography club?