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Comprar Commands

Master the art of comprar Commands in the Imperative mood. This is an important verb for any shopping excursion in Spanish-speaking locales. Discover its utility in transactions and bargaining. Enhance your market dialogue at Spanish conjugation. Elevate your shopping skills on our comprar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to buy

Verb Chart: Comprar Commands




let’s buy


(Juana, Juan)

compra; no compres

buy; don’t buy


(informal Spain)

comprad; no compréis

(you all) buy; (you all) don’t buy


(Sra./Dr. García)


(you) buy



(you all) buy

*Only Tú, and Vosotros change in the negative form. The other conjugations are the same in the negative.

Comprar Commands Practice

Multiple Choice

Positive Commands

Negative Commands

Spanish Commands

Comprar Commands Sentence Examples

1. Tú: Compra los libros que necesitas para el curso.
Buy the books you need for the course.
2. Tú: No compres cosas innecesarias con tu ahorro.
Do not buy unnecessary things with your savings.
3. Ud.: Compre frutas y verduras frescas en el mercado.
Buy fresh fruits and vegetables at the market.
4. Ud.: No compre productos sin comparar precios antes.
Do not buy products without comparing prices first.
5. Nosotros: Compremos regalos para el cumpleaños de nuestro amigo.
Let’s buy gifts for our friend’s birthday.
6. Nosotros: No compremos en exceso para la fiesta.
Let’s not overbuy for the party.
7. Vosotros: Comprad entradas para el concierto con antelación.
Buy tickets for the concert in advance.
8. Vosotros: No compréis por impulso cuando visitéis centros comerciales.
Do not buy on impulse when visiting shopping centers.
9. Uds.: Compren solo lo que esté en la lista de compras.
Buy only what is on the shopping list.
10. Uds.: No compren animales exóticos como mascotas.
Do not buy exotic animals as pets.