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Coger Preterite Tense

Explore the Spanish Preterite Tense with the practical verb coger. Our page offers an extensive conjugation chart, interactive games, and everyday examples of coger. Enhance your Spanish proficiency by incorporating coger into your daily dialogue. Deepen your verb skills with Spanish conjugation. Perfect your command of coger by visiting our coger conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to take, to grab

Verb Chart: Coger Preterite Tense



I caught



we caught

(Juana, Juan)


you caught


(informal Spain)


you all caught


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you caught



they/you all caught

Coger Preterite Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Preterite Tense

Coger Preterite Sentence Examples

1. Yo cogí el autobús para ir al colegio.
I took the bus to go to school.
2. ¿Cogiste las llaves de la casa?
Did you take the house keys?
3. Él cogió un libro de la biblioteca.
He took a book from the library.
4. Ella cogió un paraguas porque llovía.
She took an umbrella because it was raining.
5. ¿Cogió Ud. su medicina esta mañana?
Did you take your medicine this morning?
6. Nosotros cogimos unas manzanas del huerto.
We picked some apples from the orchard.
7. ¿Cogieron ellos el tren a Madrid?
Did they take the train to Madrid?
8. Las chicas cogieron flores en el jardín.
The girls picked flowers in the garden.
9. ¿Cogieron Uds. fotos de la excursión?
Did you all take photos of the trip?
10. Vosotros cogisteis prestados unos juegos de la ludoteca.
You all (Spain) borrowed some games from the game library.