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Coger Future Tense

Grasp the Future Tense of coger and hold your Spanish conversations firmly! This page offers a handy verb chart, detailed conjugation exercises, fun games, and sentences that utilize coger in everyday speech. Secure your ability to discuss grabbing or taking actions. Grab hold of knowledge at Spanish verbs. Get a firm grip on coger by visiting our coger conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to grab, to catch

Verb Chart: Coger Future Tense



I will catch



we will catch

(Juana, Juan)


you will catch


(informal Spain)


you all will catch


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will catch



they/you all will catch

Coger Future Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Future Tense

Coger Future Sentence Examples

1. Yo cogeré el autobús para ir a la escuela.
I will catch the bus to go to school.
2. ¿Tú cogerás los libros de la biblioteca este fin de semana?
Will you take the books from the library this weekend?
3. Él cogerá un vuelo temprano a Madrid.
He will catch an early flight to Madrid.
4. Ella cogerá las entradas para el concierto.
She will pick up the tickets for the concert.
5. Usted cogerá el relevo en la carrera de mañana, ¿no?
You will grab the baton in tomorrow’s race, won’t you?
6. Nosotros cogeremos manzanas en la granja.
We will pick apples at the farm.
7. Vosotros cogeréis un taxi para llegar al teatro. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will catch a taxi to get to the theater.
8. Ellos cogerán unas vacaciones en julio.
They will take a vacation in July.
9. Ellas cogerán flores del jardín para la profesora.
They will pick flowers from the garden for the teacher.
10. ¿Ustedes cogerán la oferta especial de la tienda?
Will you grab the store’s special offer?