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Cocinar Imperfect Tense

Whip up your Spanish skills with the verb cocinar in the Imperfect Tense on our specialized learning page. Discover a comprehensive verb chart, partake in engaging conjugation exercises, enjoy fun cooking-themed games, and learn practical sentences featuring cocinar. Our approach is designed to make learning Spanish both effective and enjoyable. Enhance your fluency in Spanish conjugation. Also, perfect your abilities with our focused cocinar conjugation practice.

Verb Meaning(s): to cook

Verb Chart: Cocinar Imperfect Tense



I cooked (weekly)
I used to cook
I was cooking



we cooked (on Thursdays)
we used to cook
we were cooking

(Juana, Juan)


you cooked (daily)
you used to cook
you were cooking


(informal Spain)


you all cooked (frequently)
you all used to cook
you all were cooking


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you cooked (sometimes)
he/she/you used to cook
he/she/you were cooking



they/you (all almost never) cooked
they/you all used to cook
they/you all were cooking

Cocinar Imperfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Imperfect Tense

Cocinar Imperfect Sentence Examples

1. Yo cocinaba con mi abuelo los domingos por la tarde.
I used to cook with my grandfather on Sunday afternoons.
2. ¿Tú cocinabas platos mexicanos a menudo?
Did you often cook Mexican dishes?
3. Él cocinaba huevos revueltos para el desayuno cada día.
He cooked scrambled eggs for breakfast every day.
4. Ella cocinaba y vendía pasteles para recaudar fondos.
She cooked and sold cakes to raise funds.
5. Usted cocinaba recetas tradicionales de su país.
You cooked traditional recipes from your country.
6. Nosotros cocinábamos juntos para las cenas familiares.
We used to cook together for family dinners.
7. ¿Vosotros cocinabais paellas gigantes en las fiestas del pueblo?
Did you cook giant paellas at town parties? (used only in Spain)
8. Ellos cocinaban en el campamento y luego contaban historias.
They cooked at camp and then told stories.
9. Ellas cocinaban galletas, pero una vez se quemaron en el horno.
They were baking cookies, but once they burned in the oven.
10. ¿Ustedes cocinaban algo especial para los cumpleaños?
Did you cook something special for birthdays?