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Cerrar Future Tense

Learn to cerrar in the Future Tense and close the gap in your Spanish proficiency! This page provides a key to a verb chart, targeted conjugation practice, engaging games, and sentences showing cerrar in action. Seal your understanding of expressing closure in Spanish. Lock in your knowledge at Spanish verbs. Tighten your skills in cerrar with our cerrar conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to close, to shut

Verb Chart: Cerrar Future Tense



I will close



we will close

(Juana, Juan)


you will close


(informal Spain)


you all will close


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will close



they/you all will close

Cerrar Future Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Future Tense

Cerrar Future Sentence Examples

1. Yo cerraré la puerta con llave antes de irme.
I will lock the door before I leave.
2. ¿Tú cerrarás el acuerdo con el cliente mañana?
Will you close the deal with the client tomorrow?
3. Él cerrará la ventana para que no entre el frío.
He will close the window so that the cold doesn’t get in.
4. Ella cerrará su cuenta de redes sociales.
She will close her social media account.
5. Usted cerrará el negocio a las diez, ¿cierto?
You will close the business at ten, right?
6. Nosotros cerraremos el ciclo escolar con una fiesta.
We will end the school year with a party.
7. Vosotros cerraréis la casa de verano hasta el próximo año. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will close the summer house until next year.
8. Ellos cerrarán el trato después de la reunión.
They will close the deal after the meeting.
9. Ellas cerrarán el capítulo de su libro esta noche.
They will finish the chapter of their book tonight.
10. ¿Ustedes cerrarán la sesión antes de salir de la oficina?
Will you log off before leaving the office?