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Caerse Imperfect Tense

Experience the intricacies of caerse in the Imperfect Tense on our dedicated learning page. Explore a detailed verb chart, dive into interactive conjugation exercises, enjoy fun language games, and see caerse used in common sentences. Our tools are designed for an immersive and effective learning experience, making the journey of mastering Spanish verbs enjoyable. Advance your understanding in Spanish verb conjugation. Also, refine your mastery with our caerse conjugation exercises.

Verb Meaning(s): to fall down, to tumble

Verb Chart: Caerse Imperfect Tense


me caía

I fell (weekly)
I used to fall
I was falling


nos caíamos

we fell (on Thursdays)
we used to fall
we were falling

(Juana, Juan)

te caías

you fell (daily)
you used to fall
you were falling


(informal Spain)

os caíais

you all fell (frequently)
you all used to fall
you all were falling


(Sra./Dr. García)

se caía

he/she/you fell (sometimes)
he/she/you used to fall
he/she/you were falling


se caían

they/you (all almost never) fell
they/you all used to fall
they/you all were falling

Caerse Imperfect Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Imperfect Tense

Caerse Imperfect Sentence Examples

1. Yo me caía a menudo cuando aprendía a patinar.
I used to fall often when I was learning to skate.
2. ¿Tú te caías mientras jugabas en el parque?
Did you fall while playing in the park?
3. Él se caía siempre que corría bajo la lluvia.
He always fell when he ran in the rain.
4. Ella se caía cada vez que intentaba subir al árbol.
She used to fall every time she tried to climb the tree.
5. Usted se caía, pero luego se levantaba con determinación.
You would fall, but then get up with determination.
6. Nosotros nos caíamos jugando al fútbol, pero continuábamos el partido.
We used to fall while playing soccer, but we continued the game.
7. ¿Vosotros os caíais en las excursiones de la escuela?
Did you fall on school trips? (used only in Spain)
8. Ellos se caían durante las prácticas de baloncesto.
They would fall during basketball practice.
9. Ellas se caían patinando sobre hielo, aunque se divertían mucho.
They used to fall ice skating, though they had a lot of fun.
10. ¿Ustedes se caían al jugar en la nieve?
Did you fall while playing in the snow?