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Caerse Conditional Tense

Explore the conditional conjugation of caerse through our interactive tools and resources. Our page provides a detailed verb chart, practical exercises, and fun games to fully grasp caerse in everyday Spanish. Broaden your verb knowledge with our Spanish conjugation guide. For more focused learning, check out our caerse conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to fall, to fall down

Verb Chart: Caerse Conditional Tense


me caería

I would fall


nos caeríamos

we would fall

(Juana, Juan)

te caerías

you would fall


(informal Spain)

os caeríais

you all would fall


(Sra./Dr. García)

se caería

he/she/you would fall


se caerían

they/you all would fall

Caerse Conditional Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Conditional Tense

Caerse Conditional Sentence Examples

1. Yo me caería menos si usara zapatos adecuados para correr.
I would fall less if I wore proper shoes for running.
2. ¿Tú te caerías si patinaras en hielo por primera vez?
Would you fall if you ice skated for the first time?
3. Él se caería si intentara hacer trucos en su patineta.
He would fall if he tried to do tricks on his skateboard.
4. Ella se caería si corriera en una superficie resbaladiza.
She would fall if she ran on a slippery surface.
5. Usted se caería si no tuviera cuidado en la escalera, ¿cierto?
You would fall if you weren’t careful on the stairs, right?
6. Nosotros nos caeríamos si jugáramos fútbol en un campo mojado.
We would fall if we played soccer on a wet field.
7. ¿Vosotros os caeríais si hicierais senderismo en un terreno irregular? (vosotros is used only in Spain)
Would you guys fall if you went hiking on uneven terrain?
8. Ellos se caerían si practicaran esquí sin experiencia previa.
They would fall if they practiced skiing without previous experience.
9. Ellas se caerían si bailaran sobre una pista resbalosa.
They would fall if they danced on a slippery dance floor.
10. ¿Ustedes se caerían si intentaran caminar sobre un tronco?
Would you fall if you tried to walk on a log?