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Asistir Future Tense

Master the Future Tense of asistir and elevate your Spanish to professional levels! This page is equipped with an intuitive verb chart, engaging conjugation practices, fun games, and sentences showcasing asistir in everyday use. Enhance your ability to discuss future events and commitments in Spanish. Dive into Spanish verbs. Perfect your command of asistir at our asistir conjugation page.

Verb Meaning(s): to attend, to assist

Verb Chart: Asistir Future Tense



I will attend



we will attend

(Juana, Juan)


you will attend


(informal Spain)


you all will attend


(Sra./Dr. García)


he/she/you will attend



they/you all will attend

Asistir Future Tense Practice

Multiple Choice Game

Conjugation Practice

Future Tense

Asistir Future Sentence Examples

1. Yo asistiré a la conferencia de ciencia el próximo mes.
I will attend the science conference next month.
2. ¿Tú asistirás al concierto de rock el sábado?
Will you attend the rock concert on Saturday?
3. Él asistirá a clases de matemáticas avanzadas.
He will attend advanced math classes.
4. Ella asistirá al taller de escritura creativa.
She will attend the creative writing workshop.
5. Usted asistirá a la reunión con los inversores, ¿cierto?
You will attend the meeting with the investors, right?
6. Nosotros asistiremos al partido de fútbol juntos.
We will attend the soccer game together.
7. Vosotros asistiréis a la feria de ciencias en la escuela. (vosotros is used only in Spain)
You will attend the science fair at school.
8. Ellos asistirán a un curso de verano sobre robótica.
They will attend a summer course on robotics.
9. Ellas asistirán a la inauguración de la exposición de arte.
They will attend the opening of the art exhibition.
10. ¿Ustedes asistirán a la excursión escolar el próximo viernes?
Will you attend the school trip next Friday?